Piedras Grandes - March 17, 2001
My wife Eve and I went out to scout around two weeks before Howl XVI. Here are some photos of what we saw there.

Other Cave Howl links:  Tim Botsko's Howl Page | Bryce Muir's Sketch Page

Paul Stachelek's Cave Howl Slide Show (a long download but worth it)

Bullhead Home | Cave Howl | Three-D | Music | Axes

Things are starting to look good...

We saw a Scott's Oriole 
feeding on ocotillo buds!

Click on the small images below to see the bigger picture!
The ocotillo is fully leafed out and budding! Some things are starting to blossom.
We should have a good show this y ear. Especially around big rocks where there is more water.
Tiny green things are poking out of the sand. 3-D picture of the cave. Cross your eyes!

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